Wednesday, February 01, 2012

PMP PDU CCR Certification Requirements

Maintain Your PMP Certification Credential

What's New

Congratulations on earning your PMI certification!
Now that you are a credential holder, you need to adhere to PMI’s Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) program. To follow the program, participate in professional development activities to earn professional development units (PDUs) and maintain your credential. 

Every credential requires a specific amount of PDUs per three-year certification cycle. Since the requirements are different for each one, visit their respective pages to find out more, or read the CCR frequently asked questions.

The exception to the CCR program is the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®, which requires you to retake the CAPM® exam before the end of your five-year certification cycle.

Not sure how to earn PDUs? "Watch the How Do I Earn PDUs?" segment of the CCR video, read Ways to Earn PDUs for activity ideas, or visit PMI Professional Development for a more complete listing of PDU-earning opportunities.

Ready to report your activities? Visit PMI’s online CCR system to report PDUs and view your certification records, or download a printable PDU activity reporting form.