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Earning your Microsoft Office Specialist MOUS MOS certification (now MCAS) shows your current or future employer that you have the skills they need. These Microsoft Office Training CDs helps you get those skills--by reinforcing what you know, teaching you what you don't, and preparing you for all the questions you'll face on the exam. Affordable and comprehensive, our Microsoft Office Specialist training kit is the clear choice, and the only study resource you need to ready yourself to pass all the MOUS exams.
To earn the Microsoft Office Specialist certification for Microsoft Office, you must pass one or more certification exams. Office Specialist exams provide a valid and reliable measure of technical proficiency and expertise by evaluating your overall comprehension of Office applications, your ability to use their advanced features, and your ability to integrate the Office applications with other software applications. Microsoft Office Specialist exams are developed and validated by industry experts and are available at over 9,000 Authorized Testing Centers worldwide.
"... courses, for example, offer excellent simulations of real environments and provide great opportunities to reinforce knowledge through task-based exercises. For many people, these courses provide an efficient and cost-effective way to acquire knowledge and skills."
MOUGSAC Reviews 11/05
MOUGSAC Reviews 11/05